poole orthodontics

Poole Orthodontics, 38 Lower Blandford Road, Poole, Dorset, BH18 8NX

About us

About Poole Orthodontics

Poole Orthodontics proudly provides state-of the-art facilities for high-quality orthodontic care. Our team is dedicated to delivering an outstanding orthodontic experience that is comfortable and effective.

Orthodontic treatment enables adults and children with crooked or protruding teeth, overcrowding, or an improper bite to straighten their smile.

While many patients think of orthodontics as an effective way to improve the aesthetics of their smiles, orthodontic treatment can also be beneficial to your oral health. Correctly aligned teeth are at lower risk for dental issues such as tooth decay and gum disease. They also make it easier for you to speak, chew and eat better.

Many patients — particularly adults — shy away from the idea of seeking orthodontic treatment, due to the stigma of wearing braces. That’s why we offer a range of discreet yet effective treatment methods to suit all patients.


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